Thursday, April 20, 2006

Creative Consultants email

You can now email the Creative team for ideas or advice using the email cotccreatives[at]
Obviously replace the [at] with the correct symbol!
“When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not.”

Telling stories

I have been meaning to get this started for 18 months, but never got round to it.
I love the idea of testimonies, but not the usual contrived and formulaic ones that you often hear in church. Real stories of what peoples walk with God has been like in the last year - the good, the bad and the ugly; what you have learned, what mistakes you have made, etc.

I think it would build the idea of real world spirituality, of the God who is part of the everyday, who loves us through our brokeness and our beauty...

Just need someone to take it on.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Welcome to COTC Creatives

Chatting to some of you who were just finishing their term on the service leading team and asking 'what next', we came up with this.

COTC Creatives is a forum for sharing and discussing ideas about creative stuff for the services and events at Church on the Corner. This is where we record our crazy middle of the night ideas, or where we work on creative solutions to issues, or post questions for others to think about.

It is open to anyone to contribute, but moderated by a group of experienced creatives from withing Church. The first post will be by skinny with a fantastic idea for a video of hands...